What is STARTUP CAMPUS, and how can it help me as an entrepreneur?

STARTUP CAMPUS is an initiative designed to guide and support entrepreneurs through every stage of their startup journey. With a variety of courses such as Business Concept, Business Creation, and Business Growth, STARTUP CAMPUS provides training, coaching, and access to the Swiss startup ecosystem. Whether you’re refining an idea or scaling a social enterprise, STARTUP CAMPUS offers the tools, knowledge, and networks necessary to succeed.

Who is eligible to apply for STARTUP CAMPUS programs?

STARTUP CAMPUS programs are primarily open to members of Swiss universities or universities of applied sciences, including students, alumni, doctoral candidates, postdocs, and professors. However, people who are motivated and not affiliated with these institutions are also encouraged to apply.

Is there a cost associated with STARTUP CAMPUS events and trainings?

Emphasizing our commitment to accessible education and support for entrepreneurs, we are proud to offer most of our trainings and events free of charge. This is only possible thanks to our strong consortium partners and supporting organizations such as Innosuisse.

How do I apply for a program, and what are the selection criteria?

Applications can be submitted via the STARTUP CAMPUS website. Candidates should select their desired course date and provide a brief description of their business idea if applicable. The selection criteria prioritize motivation and ambition, and the capacity is set to ensure quality interaction and personalized support. Even if you’re uncertain about meeting the eligibility criteria, we encourage you to submit your application. Our team considers each application on a case-by-case basis, ensuring a fair review of all potential entrepreneurs.

Does STARTUP CAMPUS offer co-working facilities for startups?

Yes, STARTUP CAMPUS facilitates access to co-working spaces for startups, primarily through the RUNWAY Startup Incubator and the Büro Züri Innovationspark, which is supported by Zürcher Kantonalbank.

Does STARTUP CAMPUS provide funding for startups?

While STARTUP CAMPUS itself does not directly offer funding, we support startups in securing financing through various programs and partnerships. Our training programs and events are designed to connect entrepreneurs with potential investors and to prepare them for successful fundraising. Additionally, through our network of partners and affiliated initiatives, we can guide startups towards suitable funding opportunities.

Are there networking events or community meetups I can attend?

Yes, STARTUP CAMPUS hosts several events per year (online and offline) that are open to all interested individuals and free of charge. These events provide networking opportunities and insights from successful entrepreneurs and alumni.

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