Business Ideas
Feel the startup groove

Startup Stories
Get to know successful founders as well as alumni from past Innosuisse Entrepreneurship Trainings who will talk about their personal startup stories (of success AND failure) and share their founding experiences with you. A real necessity for anyone who wants to take the plunge into entrepreneurship!
What can I expect?
- STARTUP STORIES: Listen to entrepreneurial success stories and stories of failure!
- INSPIRATION: Watch successful entrepreneurs pitching!
- ASK QUESTIONS: Get involved in Q&A with the speakers about factors of success in business. Receive answers to specific questions about setting up a company in Switzerland.
- HOW TO START A STARTUP: Get to know background information about where to get startup support (institutions, technology transfer, startup centers, coaching, business prizes, investors etc.).
- NETWORKING: Connect to interesting people!
Who can participate?
Everyone who is interested in entrepreneurship and consider starting an own science- or technology-based business; especially motivated and ambitious members of a Swiss university or University of Applied Sciences (students, doctoral students, postdocs, professors etc.).
When and where do the events take place?
Business Ideas events are evening events that take place several times during the semester – but at different locations (e.g. ETH Zurich, University of Zurich, ZHAW, University of St. Gallen etc.) and with different speakers and entrepreneurs. So it is worth attending more than one Business Ideas event!
Language & costs
The Business Ideas event is offered exclusively in English and is FREE OF CHARGE (registration is mandatory).
How can I sign up for the event?
You can register on our website at any time, just select the event which you want to join. (Note: If you already have a business idea, you can apply in parallel for the Business Concept course (Module 2).)
If there are any open questions, please contact us:
+41 (0) 58 934 65 00 (Mo-Fr, 9 am – 5 pm)
Upcoming Events
Startup Stories: Meet the Founders at RUNWAY Startup Incubator
Technopark Winterthur