Module 1
Zurich Sciencepreneurs Meetup at FoodLab Zurich
10. April 2024
18:00 - 20:00
We invite all entrepreneurs working in life science startups in Zurich to the 2nd Sciencepreneur meetup!
This evening event, in collaboration with ETH Zurich, USZ Universitäts Spital Zurich, University of Zurich, and ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, brings together entrepreneurs and innovators to learn from each other and build new connections.
- Panel Discussion “How do you know if your idea is commercially viable?”: Hear from three prominent speakers who are shaping the future of healthcare and technology. Gain insights into the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field.
- Founder Networking Apero: Connect with like-minded individuals and expand your professional network over drinks and refreshments.
Don’t miss this chance to exchange ideas, make valuable connections, and stay informed about the cutting-edge developments in Life Sciences, Biotech, Medtech, and Digital Health. Register now!

Greta Preatoni, CEO & Co-founder MYNERVA

Kurt Ruffieux, CEO Alivion